Thursday, July 30, 2009

Wishful Thinking

Let me be an instrument that plays in harmony with the music of the Universes that are and that will be and that have the potential of becoming.

When I die, let me become the spectrum.

I will be black and absorb all colours
I will be white and reflect all colours
I will be red and glow with the energies that fuel the Universes
I will be blue in agreement between the oceans and the skies in all the Universes
I will be green as the tenderness and vulnerability of the birth of every new universe
I will be yellow and shed my warmth and light on every soul in every universe that is and that will be and that has the potential of becoming.


IndianPundit said...

Are u sure these are wishful thinking????

Ava said...

This is great. My views exactly. I see like me you have also created several blogs :) Whic is good for 'categorisation' but bad when you want to blogroll. My friends have yelled at me and blogrolled all of them :)

I guess I will have to do the same with you.