Tuesday, September 15, 2009


It has been heard from time immemorial in every culture, every nation, every corner of the world.

Call it what you will—
The music of the spheres.
The harmony of the universes.
The rhythms that make the stars burn and the planets turn.
The tunes that make nature dance.
The primal vibrations that guide the indomitable life-force in the flowing of rivers, in the salmon swimming against the currents; in the great migrations of the wildebeest in the Serengeti.

To be born. To mate. To create life. To transcend the living.

The music connects all life, communicates effortlessly with all life, is comprehensible to all life. It links mind to mind, body to body, heart to heart, soul to soul.

Its notes contain us, envelop us, enable us to enter the divine within us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To transcend the living, hah! story of my life.